Tuesday, August 26, 2008

30 Things You Don’t Know About Me

1.I'm from Oakland
2.I love to film stuff
3.I have a ps3 and a laptop
4.I'm really nice
5.My favorite food is sushi
6.I have a wii
7.My favorite color is green
8.I have a very loving and supportive family
9.I play m.m.o.r.g
10.I like watching Naruto
11. I'm 5'7
12.I'm 14
13.I have a tattoo
14.I have two relatives that are in high tech
15.I don't buy games i go to game fly
16.I want to be a lawyer or a director
17. I have a my space
18. My family loves computers
19.I travel a lot
20.I'm African American and 10% Japanese
21.I like to skate
22.I spend most of my time out side
23.I like going to school every day
24.My favorite shoes are creative recreation's
25.My favorite drink is water
26.I think the best game of time is MGS4
27.I i have gold teeth
28.I like that new Batman movie
29.my favorite movie is 300 the way it was directed was amazing
30.I have a brother hes in 12th grade

1 comment:

Ms. Charlotte said...

You're right, you are nice! I love 300 too. The next book we're reading in class is about the Spartans.