Thursday, December 4, 2008


My predictions were not accurate at all i thought they were going on happy ever after but no they got slaughtered and they killed Leonidas also cut his head off his dead body and put it on a stick not to mention it was a custom war that you can have your dead back but no he just had to brake it what a shame. One of my predictions was right i predicted that there will be a glorious war and how the Spartans warriors would kill at least thousand or more and that's how 300 men killed millions. I think my prediction on them wining the war, or Xerxes at least giving them respect and saying i will leave you alone but remember I'm the one you answer to or something like that but like i said he just had to kill them , but what really happens is that Xerxes really didn't care about any thing but killing Leonidas and taking the hole world for his army also his kingdom.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

book 7-8
"But you must tell me now,before i seal the papers and dispatch them."
i chose this because it made me think how Leonidas didn't really trust Rooster and how Rooster was called a trader but came through for every one just think they were going to kill him.
The author really thought of the reader in mind because he made it fill as if you were there i felt like the war was won as Rooster told you their plans.
"In that case," the helot said, "I look forward with even greater anticipation to your death."
I chose this quote because it makes me think of how me and Joe talk at school like he always says he will kill me in wow and its like in a way that we are not angry but may the best man win thing just like this.
The author made you fill like you were there and i could really relate to this also i am going to read his other books because his writing is amazing.
"Some 300,000 including Oronets himself and the ten thousand immortals."
I chose this quote for one reason only how did Xerxes d all this and the immortals are are quote unquote immortals i don't believe that they were immortal and just a said note i would of heard there names and ran lol.
I believe the author made his point with this quot because it makes you step back and say wow no not w.o.w is the bet thing i every seen like so unreal that's why i think the author made his point
"The enemy stood, invincible in the might of their missile fire"
When i read thiss i was thinking modern war then it hit me there were catapults to fire flame balls or shards of flaming blades like engineers make for there war, i guess it was modern for then and it is cool h it worked if it works like i imagined it.
I chose this quote because it really brought something new to the table for war with all thees place's.

Friday, November 28, 2008

hum lets see what should i say I'm thankful for so many things,I'm thankful for GOD because he made me and everything around me.

I'm thankful for GOD because he let me see another day and he made a way for me to be out here in Oakland with my family not to muinchen unharmed and giving my mom with lots of strength to let me go out to San Diego for school also that i have all my limbs and that I'm healthy, also giving me a wise mother to look over me as my keeper on earth.

with out my lord and saver JESUS CHRIST i would be nothing and have nothing but sins and anger / filled with agony and pain and hate for every one. so thank you GOD for every thing and for whats in store for me with my blessings

Thursday, October 30, 2008


"Imperial troops burned to the ground the cities of Drymus, Charada, Erochus, Tethronium, Amphikaea, Neon, Pedies, Trites", etc

I'm impressed how they ran down all thees places and really never had to really fight or should i say had a challenge they basically killed every one that was somebody and if the didn't believe they will.I wondered did they kill kids and women boy of girls what happened to them or did they just flee and leave abandoned cities.

My reaction to this quote was what couldn't they do if there taking over villages like that and massive towns then what can stop the imperial .

"The Spartan whip boys whit sticks"

Talk about abuse I see nothing or felt pain like man i would hate my life and every one in it for letting them do that to me but i guess that a price to be the best army in history born a warrior die a warrior life of a Spartan i guess.

What struck me was how could a mother think that's OK for you're child to get beat like to meat and blood show and was it like they had to or there was no other chose i thought they were free.

"stilling from local farmers"

How they hung Xeones like Jesus was when he was crucified and that hit me because it related back to me like wow they stabbed nails throw his hands like it was no deal know he robed them but that doesn't mean they had to kill him or cripple him.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


"they say the ghost sometimes, those that cannot let go their bond to the living, linger and haunt the scenes of their days under the sun, hovering like substanceless birds of carrion, refusing Hades' command to retire beneath the earth." pg.27
this strikes me because i believe this can be true at times.
i agree in some cases like spiritual warfare or like poltergeist or demons i and on the fence with this on because it hasn't happen to me or i haven't really herd of it in first person point of view.
i wonder how it fills to be dead of to haunt someone.
that ghost are real and how they work.
my reaction to this quote is its not a proven fact and it not real.
it made me fill that most of Greek stuff is not real.

"The Archers eyes probed mines gently for one final instant." pg. 42
I was intrigued by this because i wonder what i would do if that was me would i plead for mursy or would i go crazy but for shore i would think about every thing in my life at once like family friends heaven hell God where would i go what will it fill like, the last moment are sort.
The author did a good job showing thispart because he really pot you in this spot and made you fill the pain and think as if you were in the book.

"preoccupation and gestured gown the slope toward the aveue of the champions." pg. 61
what dose this mean is it like a strt or a metiphor like how theres a legens guild or champs.
I chose this because i didnt know what it ment and i know about a champs guild on runescape