Thursday, December 4, 2008


My predictions were not accurate at all i thought they were going on happy ever after but no they got slaughtered and they killed Leonidas also cut his head off his dead body and put it on a stick not to mention it was a custom war that you can have your dead back but no he just had to brake it what a shame. One of my predictions was right i predicted that there will be a glorious war and how the Spartans warriors would kill at least thousand or more and that's how 300 men killed millions. I think my prediction on them wining the war, or Xerxes at least giving them respect and saying i will leave you alone but remember I'm the one you answer to or something like that but like i said he just had to kill them , but what really happens is that Xerxes really didn't care about any thing but killing Leonidas and taking the hole world for his army also his kingdom.

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