Monday, September 15, 2008


The Hulk was given life when nuclear scientist Dr. Bruce Banner was accidentally bombarded with gamma rays from a "gamma bomb" he had invented. Banner continued to look like a normal human being, but when angered he would transform into the Hulk, a raging giant with green skin and super strength. Most people look at Hulk as a hero because he stops mutant like his self also helps the army in some cases, Hulk is also a brake throw scientist he was trying to help the human race with some kind of cure,I look at hulk as a hero because hes there when no one ells can be. Others look at hulk as a monster and a beast because of the destruction he causes and all the people he hurts, I know the army hates hulk because there always chasing after him and the city is left to clean it up also refund every one for there damages of their property so then again he could be a evil evil beast but one things foreshore hes always there to save us when things get bad.

1 comment:

Ms. Charlotte said...

Yay! I can finally read your blog. Thanks for posting this.